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Steam Pilgrim
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Complete missions in the Forbidden lands in this birds-eye shooting game. Shoot at crates and kill enemies.

Start a campaign or choose survival mode, and wipe out enemies in Steam Pilgrim. You must complete different missions in different areas of the map while killing evil robots. Shoot at crates and kill enemies for bonus points and power ups, collect them by walking over them. Level up by scoring points, gain attribute points and earn money for successful missions. Use the money to buy upgrades in the 'Camp of Refugees'. Destroy crates and complete all missions to defeat the Forbidden Lands.

When buying items at the Camp of Refugees, make sure to get radar so you know where enemies are even in the dark. Start by selecting an area of the map, you will be told the mission along the bottom of the screen. Shoot at enemies and crates to survive and complete the mission. When you level up you can select the 'skills' button at the top of the screen to upgrade your skills.

Move with WASD and aim and shoot with mouse. Press ESC to pause or return back to map.
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